Colonel James has cut the tape recorder and has concluded Madeleine in the embraces. "About, Madeleine! - the colonel has moaned, rocking in a step to music, - you sometime danced with cannibals?"

 "Is not present!" - Madeleine, wagging in a step has answered music.

"And with vampires?, democrats?, communists?" - lieutenant colonel James insisted, licking a five-meter neck Madeleine.

"Is not present." - Madeleine has again told and has added: "But I danced with humanoids!"

"The truth? - major James has quickened, - Tell, tell more in detail!"

"Well, - Madeleine - humanoids has stretched, they, whether know, such sticky and green. Almost same, as you, James!"

"About, no! " - captain James has exclaimed and for one instant was discharged from Madeleine. But - only for one instant.

Suddenly from a corridor heart-breaking shout was distributed. After a second, in a room the strange shaggy essence in the cylinder, a stripped vest and flippers has come.

"Who you?! - Madeleine and lieutenant James have exclaimed, - we did not call you!!!" "I here edge of an ear have heard, - the essence has ominously told, - that you never danced (an essence began to bend fingers) with cannibals, vampires, democrats and communists! And so... - I present all of them which have been taken together!!!"

With these words SSE (a strange shaggy essence) has seized  James and Madeleine and began to dance with them, rocking in a step to music. "Ah, features!" - Madeleine and sergeant James have told and too began to rock. And at them it is very healthy it has turned out. "Here a pancake! - Madeleine and private soldier James have told, - And we in fact so were afraid of you!"  "What nonsenses! - has told SSE, - Yes who is afraid of me? Yes anybody!"

And yet they danced time together. And at them not bad it turned out. Except for cat Petruthio who for some reason pressed  on flippers... And for it has few times received on a dome. But he was not afflicted, and even on the contrary - he was inspired on new feats!..

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