THE DRAGOON(The horseman)


-     You the dragoon? - the cardinal has asked.

-     Certainly! - has answered лН and has slightly shaken by a leg.

-     Yes I not in this sense! - the cardinal has frowned.

-     And I not in it! - has frowned in answer лН and has shaken by other leg.

-     Something prevents you? - it is sympathizing the cardinal has asked.

-     And already for a long time!

-     But what? What?!! - the cardinal has furiously exclaimed and began to run on a room.

-     Countess ┘

-     Countess? - the cardinal has perplexed stopped.

-     Yes! She constantly shakes a head!

-     Well, also what? - at the cardinal the eye began to be shaked.

-     Generally, anything, but everything if to think, ┘ - has had a snack upper lip лН.

-     It still about anything does not speak! - the cardinal has pulled other eye.

-     But speaks it about much! - лН has shaken by a leg.

-     You repeat!

-     And at me only two legs!

-     But - and two hands!

-     At what here I! We speak about countess!

-     And what countess? I have forgotten!

-     She constantly shakes a head!

-     Ah, yes!.. It prevents you?

-     And already for a long time!

-     But why?! Why?! - the cardinal again began to run on a room.

-     I cannot get in any way, - лН have looked eyes on a room, - here it!..

-     However, countess - a strong nutlet. Not without reason Feoctist Derungry ┘ - the cardinal has thought and has again fallen in an armchair, - And you did not try something else?

-     Tried! - лН has shown eyes. The cardinal has tracked his sight and has met   him eyes. ■ However, - the cardinal has thought, - I underestimated the dragoons. ■

-     You are a dragoon? - the cardinal and to him has asked, suddenly, it seemed, that he already asked this question.

    -  Certainly! - has answered лН and to him, suddenly, it seemed ┘ (Further dialogue repeats from the very beginning of 200 times.)


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